Returns & Refunds

Money Back Guarantee

We have a 30-day money-back guarantee on all purchases. If 30 days have gone by since the arrival of your purchase, we can’t offer a refund or replacement.

Here is our money-back guarantee policy: If any products arrive as damaged, defective, or significantly different than described, we will be more than happy to refund your purchase or replace the item. You must contact us within 30 days of arrival and keep the product in the condition it arrived. You may be required to provide photo evidence of your claim or to return-ship the product to our nearest reception facility at your expense in order to qualify for a return or replacement.

Goods Not Received

You are eligible for item replacement or refund if your purchase is lost in transit. For orders shipping to the US, an item is considered lost in transit if has not arrived within 8 weeks of being shipped and tracking information has not updated in 5 business days. For orders shipping to countries other than the US, an item is considered lost in transit if it has not arrived within 10 weeks of being shipped and tracking information has not updated in 5 business days.

If you have entered your shipping address incorrectly, you are not eligible for a replacement or refund should your goods not arrive.

If your order tracking information indicates your goods as having been delivered, then you are not eligible for a refund or replacement due to your goods not being received.

Sizing Issues

You may not be eligible for a replacement or refund if an item delivered has the correct sizing label that was ordered, yet does not fit properly. The primary reason is that, for hygienic reasons, we are unable to accept returns on any opened products.

If a product has an incorrect sizing label, you are eligible for replacement. For example, if you ordered a size M and received a size L, you are eligible for a replacement or full refund.

Please note, that each product page has a unique sizing chart and the sizes may differ from what you're used to. In order to avoid sizing issues, please abide by the sizing measurements, in inches or centimeters, on each product page.

Refund Method

If you are approved for a refund, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment within 72 hours of approval.

Sale Items

Sale items cannot be refunded or replaced unless they arrive as damaged, defective, or significantly different than described. 


If you request a cancellation within one hour of making an order, your order will be refunded in full upon confirming the cancellation. After one hour, your order will be placed in the processing queue and can no longer be canceled.


If you have a question regarding returns and refunds that wasn't answered here, you can contact us here and we will hop right on it.